Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Evolution of print; Newspapers - The Guardian.

The Guadian is a Britsh newspaper which has been around since 1821. Since then it has seen a number of changes made through innovation which include switching formats and adding extra supplements such as magazines and free CD's.

In 1995 the Guardian had a 3% share in the daily circulation of newspapers sold in the UK which was just below the Telegraph. Since then it has seen a decline in the total amount of newspapers sold each year. For example, the daily circulation of Guardian newspapers sold in December 2012 was 204,222 which can be compared to a daily circulation of 193,586 in March 2013 and 189,000 in August 2013. The decline in newspaper sales is due to the technological change, this is because readers are more likely to seek out specialist writers or big sources of information through specific searches online rather than going out to buy a newspaper. The technological change has had a negative impact on the whole newspaper print industry as it is now facing a sales decline of 8% each year.

The Guardian newspaper has also evolved around audiences needs and what they expect from their newspapers. In 1995, the Guardian was mainly a black and white newspaper with one main stiking headline with one or two pictures to support it. This may be because times were more simple and readers only wanted to hear about major headline news that was happening around them. This can be compared to the change in audiences needs now. In 2015 The Guardian newspaper is more colourful with the title being a mixture of light blue and dark blue colours. These colours represent the audience/readers of the newspaper as they are mainy upperclass men who expect a traditional newspaper to inform them about big daily news stories. Furthermore the tastes in audience wants have changed. Back in 1995 The Guardian newspaper was mainly for the upper class men who were interested in politics and economics, whereas now its main focus is still politics and economics but it has included information about celebrities and real life storys. Ths suggests that the newspaper has attempted to branch out its audience to women as well as men. The technological change has made a change to the way we read/consume our news as it has adapted to the needs, wants and expectations of readers, this is shown in the way the main genre of stories for the paper has changed from being based around politics and business to including stories about real life people.
